Forensic scientists recover fingerprints from foods

( —Forensic scientists at the University of Abertay Dundee have recovered latent fingerprints from foods – publishing the UK's first academic paper on this subject.

Method developed to match police sketch, mug shot

( -- The long-time practice of using police facial sketches to nab criminals has been, at best, an inexact art. But the process may soon be a little more exact thanks to the work of some Michigan State University ...

Scholars find cannibalism at Jamestown settlement

Scientists revealed Wednesday that they have found the first solid archaeological evidence that some of the earliest American colonists at Jamestown, Virginia, survived harsh conditions by turning to cannibalism.

Prominent academics call for more science in forensic science

With forensic science facing mounting scrutiny as it plays an increasingly prominent role in the administration of justice, six scientists who recently served on the National Commission on Forensic Science are calling on ...

Life and death (and sex and sewage) in a Roman town

Forget your preconceptions about the civilised, sparkling, white cityscapes of the ancient world: Real-life Pompeii was an altogether more sordid proposition, as Cambridge classicist Mary Beard is set to explain.

Clotilda: Last US slave ship discovered among gators, snakes

The old wooden ship hull didn't look like much when researchers first saw it: just broken, waterlogged boards and a few pieces of rusted metal, all stuck in the muddy bottom of a bug-infested Alabama bayou where an alligator ...

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