Advance makes possible near-instantaneous DNA analysis

Picture this: You've brought your sick child to the doctor's office. After checking her pulse and blood pressure, he takes a nasal or throat swab and inserts it into a mysterious black box. Before the doctor finishes his ...

Dead body feeding larvae useful in forensic investigations

Non-biting blow fly Chrysomya megacephala is commonly found in dead bodies and is used in forensic investigations to determine the time of death, referred to as the post mortem interval. A report of synanthropic derived form ...

Forensic analysis of car paint

The use of statistical techniques to interpret chemical information has played a key role in developing a more discriminating model for the forensic analysis of car paint.

What did our ancestors look like?

A new method of establishing hair and eye colour from modern forensic samples can also be used to identify details from ancient human remains, finds a new study published in BioMed Central's open access journal Investigative ...

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