Sony CEO apologizes for massive data breach

(AP) -- Sony Corp. Chief Executive Howard Stringer apologized for "inconvenience and concern" caused by the security breach that compromised personal data from more than 100 million online gaming accounts.

In Brief: Nuclear explosion debris may reveal bomb's origin

Nuclear explosion debris may contain microscopic evidence that could help investigators determine the origin of the bomb, according to a study published this week in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

New Device Will Slash Time for DNA Analysis

( -- The University of Arizona Center for Applied Nanobioscience and Medicine is developing technology to revolutionize procedures in law enforcement and medicine.

Faster DNA analysis at room temperature

DNA microarrays are one of the most powerful tools in molecular biology today. The devices, which can be used to probe biological samples and detect particular genes or genetic sequences, are employed in everything from forensic ...

Ultra-Sensitive Cocaine Detection

( -- Forensic science student Sonica Devi has found minute traces of cocaine at a number of public phone boxes in the city of Derby, UK - thanks to a new development in forensic analysis.

NIST Calculations May Improve Temperature Measures for Microfluidics

( -- If you wanted to know if your child had a fever or be certain that the roast in the oven was thoroughly cooked, you would, of course, use a thermometer that you trusted to give accurate readings at any temperature ...

Israeli scientists find way to combat forged DNA

Israeli scientists have developed new technology to fight biological identity theft after realising that DNA evidence found at crime scenes can be easily falsified.

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