Media bias with corporate social irresponsibility events

Researchers from Tilburg University in the Netherlands and the University of Cologne in Germany published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that explains which factors influence media coverage of CSI events.

Linguistics: The pronunciation paradox

Learners of foreign languages can hear the errors in pronunciation that fellow learners tend to make, but continue to fall foul of them themselves despite years of practice. A new study of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet ...

Plants found to speak roundworm's language

Nematodes are tiny, ubiquitous roundworms that infect plant roots, causing more than $100 billion in crop damage worldwide each year. New research has found that plants manipulate the worms' pheromones to repel infestations, ...

The financial benefits of being bilingual

Financial transactions between people who speak different native languages are more common than ever with more than one in five Americans speaking a language other than English at home. But finding a price that buyers and ...

Zimbabwe's capital runs dry as taps cut off for 2M people

The more than 2 million residents of Zimbabwe's capital and surrounding towns are now without water after authorities shut down the city's main treatment plant, raising new fears about disease after a recent cholera outbreak ...

Method to customize microbes for better biofuel production

Scientists at the US Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory have demonstrated a method to insert genes into a variety of microorganisms that previously would not accept foreign DNA, with the goal of creating ...

Can we really know what animals are thinking?

Sarah, "the world's smartest chimp," died in July 2019, just before her 60th birthday. For the majority of her life she served as a research subject, providing scientists with a window into the thoughts of homo sapiens' nearest ...

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