Denmark names first Arctic envoy

Denmark, which is planning to lay a claim to the North Pole sea bed, on Tuesday named its first permanent envoy to the resource-rich Arctic.

Brazil expresses concern at report of NSA spying

Brazil's foreign minister said Sunday his government is worried by a report that the United States has collected data on millions of telephone and email conversations in his country and promised an effort for international ...

70.3M records, 30 days: NSA report draws Paris ire (Update)

The U.S. National Security Agency swept up 70.3 million French telephone records in a 30-day period, according to a newspaper report Monday that offered new details of the massive scope of a surveillance operation that has ...

France to fund Morocco's solar energy plan

A French minister said Monday that Paris was allocating 103 million euros (146 million dollars) to help finance Morocco's solar energy plan.

Australia won't pay to climate fund

(AP)—Australia will continue to directly pay for climate change adaptation in vulnerable South Pacific island nations through its aid budget rather than donate to a U.N. Green Climate Fund designed for the same purpose, ...

US briefs allies about next WikiLeaks release

(AP) -- U.S. allies around the world have been briefed by American diplomats about an expected release of classified U.S. files by the WikiLeaks website that is likely to cause international embarrassment and could damage ...

'Technical glitch' brings down Iran cyberwall

A technical glitch allowed some Iranians temporary access to banned social networking websites Facebook and Twitter, an Iranian Internet official said on Tuesday.

S. Korea, Peru announce defense technology deal

South Korea's Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan agreed Thursday to grant technology transfers to Peru to help strengthen the Latin American nation's navy and air force.

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