Scientists improve the accuracy of weather and climate models

Scientists from EPFL and the WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF have developed a program that improves the accuracy of a widely used weather forecasting model by incorporating surface phenomena that weren't ...

Experiment reveals why pundits can be unreliable

Decisions by policymakers and managers often rely on predictions and forecasts provided by experts. For instance, policymakers may increase public investments if they anticipate economic stagnation, and companies may introduce ...

Applications for a newly developed risk and resilience tool

By the mid-century, many parts of the United States will experience longer summers with more extreme heat events. While swelteringly hot days are uncomfortable, they can become dangerous for some households, particularly ...

New England knows winter, but why so dangerously cold?

New Englanders are used to cold temperatures, but a combination of extreme cold accompanied by powerful winds is downright dangerous, and enough to send even bundled-up skiers scampering indoors.

Will recent storms save California from a brutal fire season?

It's something of a Golden State paradox: Dry winters can pave the way for dangerous fire seasons fueled by dead vegetation, but wet winters—like the one the state has seen so far—can also spell danger by spurring heaps ...

Transforming chaos into manufacturable forms with 3D printing

The further out in time, the more unreliable a weather forecast. That's because small variations in initial weather conditions can completely change the entire system, making it unpredictable. Put another way, in the "butterfly ...

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