Related topics: dinosaurs

Households can play a role in mitigating climate change

Individual consumers can make conscious choices that are climate friendly and that will help with achieving the Paris Climate goals. But a secondary benefit of adopting a greener lifestyle—extra money from efficiency savings—has ...

The advent of 'green' cattle

Implications of livestock farming on climate change should not be drawn from aggregate statistics, reveals a study based on a new method of carbon footprinting for pasture-based cattle production systems that can assess the ...

It's time to start thinking about our digital carbon footprint

The media is at the forefront of generating awareness over environmental issues. It is easy to name influential films like An Inconvenient Truth or note advances made by The Guardian's environmental reporting. But what is ...

Helping EU cities and regions cut carbon emissions

In 1915, a Scottish town planner and social activist named Patrick Geddes encouraged the readers of his book on "Cities in Evolution" to think about the big picture when planning on a local level.

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