Related topics: dinosaurs

Bezos launches $10 bn fund to combat climate change

His company is often criticized for its environmental record, but Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon and the world's richest man, said Monday that he was committing $10 billion to a new fund to tackle climate change.

Proper etiquette in the presence of bison

Since the start of the Life Bison Project in 2016, 56 bison have been translocated from Germany and Poland—55 to reintroduction areas and one to the breeding center in Hunedoara. The bison roam freely at two main reintroduction ...

Four ways to reduce the carbon in your food basket

How does your food shop affect the planet? Well, think of it like this—consuming just one egg emits between 260 and 330g of CO₂ to the atmosphere. That's because before that egg can reach your plate, animal feed has to ...

Buy less, be happier and build a healthy planet

You may feel like you can't do anything to stop climate change. But climate activists who joined in grassroots movements managed to cut their carbon footprints and were still happier than their non-activist peers, new research ...

Airlines' fuel practices feed doubts over climate commitment

Airlines have taken steps to reduce their carbon footprints under the gaze of public opinion, but the pressure of the bottom line means some fly with extra fuel, boosting emissions of climate-changing greenhouse gases.

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