Related topics: dinosaurs

Want to save fuel? Fly a kite, German inventor says

The blue-hulled vessel would slip by unnoticed on most seas if not for the white kite, high above her prow, towing her to what its creators hope will be a bright, wind-efficient future.

Three dinosaur footprints discovered on one boulder

( -- Three different dinosaur footprints have been found on a 50 kilo boulder from an Isle of Wight beach, providing evidence of life on a riverbank 130 million years ago.

PepsiCo unveils 100 percent plant-based bottle

(AP) -- Remember the Cola Wars? Get ready for the Bottle Wars. PepsiCo Inc. on Tuesday unveiled a bottle made entirely of plant material, which it says bests the technology of competitor Coca-Cola and reduces its potential ...

Secrets of dinosaur footprints revealed, thanks to Goldilocks

( -- Terrain thought to be ruled by only the largest dinosaurs to inhabit the earth could have in fact been home to dozens of other creatures, ground-breaking research from The University of Manchester has found.

Berkeley lab creates new energy model for Chinese cities

To tally the energy consumption of a city, the usual method is to add up all the energy used by residents -- when they drive their car or turn on the air-conditioning -- plus all the energy consumed by commercial buildings ...

IBM Hot Water-Cooled Supercomputer Goes Live at ETH Zurich

( -- IBM has delivered a first-of-a-kind hot water-cooled supercomputer to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich), marking a new era in energy-aware computing.  The innovative system, dubbed ...

Manure could fuel data centers, HP scientists say

Giving new meaning to the term "server farm," a team of Hewlett-Packard researchers has come up with a plan for combining cow chips and computer chips to build an environmentally friendly data center -- powered by manure.

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