Slow motion playback makes football referees harsher

Football referees penalize situations more severely when watching them in slow motion compared to real time, according to a study published in the open access journal of the Psychonomic Society, Cognitive Research: Principles ...

Researchers probe the complex nature of concussion

It seems simple enough: Taking a hard hit to the head can give you a concussion. But, Stanford researchers report March 30 in Physical Review Letters, in most cases, the connection is anything but simple.

FIFA to give VAR green light at World Cup

FIFA are expected to rubber-stamp video assistant referee technology (VAR) for this summer's World Cup despite lingering opposition from within and outside football.

Changes in NFL mirror changes in modern workplace, paper says

Sports and society have been intertwined since ancient Greece, so it should come as little surprise that NFL football continues to be influenced by workplaces far removed from the playing field, says a new paper from a University ...

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