Bird with unusually long toes found fossilized in amber

Meet the ancient bird that had toes longer than its lower legs. Researchers have discovered a bird foot from 99 million years ago preserved in amber that had a hyper-elongated third toe. The study, published in the journal ...

Snail mucus yields natural adhesive for wound healing

Land snails and their mucus were used in ancient times by Hippocrates and Pliny to treat pain associated with burns, abscesses and other wounds. Inspired by this ancient therapy, Prof. Wu Mingyi and his team at the Kunming ...

Stone Age skeleton missing foot may show oldest amputation

The 31,000-year-old skeleton of a young adult found in a cave in Indonesia that is missing its left foot and part of its left leg reveal the oldest known evidence of an amputation, according to a new study.

Injured dinosaur left behind unusual footprints

A set of dinosaur footprints in Spain has unusual features because the dinosaur that made the tracks had an injured foot, according to a study published April 6, 2022 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Carlos M. Herrera-Castillo ...

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