Maryland firm aims to turn food waste into green business

Many people see Thanksgiving leftovers as too much of a good thing and toss them out. Vinnie Bevivino wants those uneaten castoffs and more - he sees a chance to make some green with them while going green.

Photonic gels are colorful sensors

(—Materials scientists at Rice University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have created very thin color-changing films that may serve as part of inexpensive sensors for food spoilage or security, ...

Decoding the molecular machine behind E. coli and cholera

Scientists from Queen Mary, University of London have discovered the workings behind some of the bacteria that kill hundreds of thousands every year, possibly paving the way for new antibiotics that could treat infections ...

Knowing When Poultry Goes Foul

( -- Mom's trusty nose may be good, but researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology have gone her one better by designing an instrument that quickly and precisely sniffs trace amounts of ...

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