The microbiology of food spoilage in your refrigerator

Anyone who has ever lost track of some bread, produce or leftovers, and later returned to observe that nature has run its course, has experience using the five senses (eyes, nose, [hopefully less often] taste buds and even ...

Electronic nose masters the art of detecting spoiled meat

Research has shown that spoiled food causes about 250 health problems, including poisoning, allergies, and even cancer. Today, food spoilage is detected by very time-consuming bacteriological analysis.

Can an artificial nose detect food spoilage?

Researchers have developed an energy-efficient computing-based chip with smell-sensing units that can detect food spoilage and provides real-time conditions continuously throughout the spoilage process. The system is described ...

Wireless sensor enables real-time spoilage alerts on food

Food waste and food-borne diseases are among the most critical problems urban populations face today. They contribute to greenhouse emissions tremendously and amplify economic and environmental costs. Since food spoilage ...

Smart solution to detect seafood spoilage

Importantly, Flinders University's Professor of Aquaculture Jian Qin—who led the study with Flinders colleague Professor Youhong Tang—says this simple device could become commercially viable and enable a "real-time" monitoring ...

Protein synthesis, ATP unnecessary for bacterial spore germination

Spores of Bacillus bacteria can survive for years in a dormant state, and then germinate in minutes. But it has long been unclear whether germination required protein synthesis, or cellular energy packets, which are known ...

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