Common plant could help reduce food insecurity, researchers find

An often-overlooked water plant that can double its biomass in two days, capture nitrogen from the air—making it a valuable green fertilizer—and be fed to poultry and livestock could serve as life-saving food for humans ...

Engineering a coating for disease-free produce

Dr. Mustafa Akbulut, professor of chemical engineering, has teamed up with horticultural science professor Luis Cisneros-Zevallos to engineer longer-lasting, bacteria-free produce.

Making faba beans a better source of protein

Faba beans pack a high-protein punch, making them rich with promise as an alternative to meat and dairy sources. But the legume also has less desirable qualities, like compounds that cause flatulence and interfere with the ...

How diverse are US ocean science institutions?

A paper published Dec. 19 in Oceanography examines whether U.S. ocean science institutions are recruiting and retaining the diverse cadre of talent needed to address climate change, food security, sustainable development, ...

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