NGOs accuse Bayer of hiding glyphosate risk data

An NGO grouping said Wednesday it had filed claims in an Austrian court alleging that chemicals firm Bayer withheld data showing health risks from exposure to its herbicide glyphosate, which the EU has proposed to keep using ...

Stopping listeria reproduction 'in its tracks'

Listeria contaminations can send food processing facilities into full crisis mode with mass product recalls, federal warnings and even hospitalization or death for people who consume the contaminated products. Destroying ...

Neurotoxicological hazard assessment without animal testing

The development of our nervous system in the womb and during the first years of life is a highly complicated process: Nerve cells proliferate by cell division, specialize, change their position in the tissue and interconnect ...

A new digital ecosystem to boost food safety

Trust is a highly valuable asset for food supply chains, especially when it comes to exports. Buyers look for proof that rigorous regulations around food safety and other expectations have been met.

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