The role of food prices in the Syrian crisis, and the way forward

The disintegration of Syria and Europe's refugee crisis are only the latest tragic consequences of two spikes in food prices in 2007/08 and 2010/11 that triggered waves of global unrest, including the Arab Spring. Researchers ...

US 'extreme drought' zones triple in size

The drought in America's breadbasket is intensifying at an unprecedented rate, experts warned, driving concern food prices could soar if crops in the world's key producer are decimated.

Climate set to worsen food crises: Oxfam

Storms and droughts that have unleashed dangerous surges in food prices could be a "grim foretaste" of what lies ahead when climate change bites more deeply, Oxfam said on Monday.

Rising temperatures threaten a food crisis

A recent study reports that the geographical range of some agricultural crops -- such as corn and beans -- may be greatly reduced if temperatures continue to rise. While some farmers may be able to readjust what they grow, ...

Study: How restaurants reap higher wine sales

( -- A Cornell study has identified four strategies that restaurants use to reap higher wine sales: including the wine list on the food menu and listing prices without a dollar sign.

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