Fast, reliable test for microorganism contamination

Food and water-borne illnesses are a common concern around the world. Every year hundreds of millions of water, beverage and food samples need to be tested to detect harmful bacteria.

Speedy bacteria detector could help prevent foodborne illnesses

It seems like almost every week another food product is being recalled because of contamination. One of the more common culprits is a pathogenic strain of E. coli. To help prevent illnesses caused by this bacteria in food ...

Soy shows promise as natural anti-microbial agent

Soy isoflavones and peptides may inhibit the growth of microbial pathogens that cause food-borne illnesses, according to a new study from University of Guelph researchers.

Paper-based test could help prevent food poisoning

Food poisoning is a stomach-churning, miserable condition that sends thousands of Americans to hospital emergency rooms every year. Now scientists report in ACS' journal Analytical Chemistry a simple, paper-based test that ...

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