Getting in touch with your "inner peanut"

University of Queensland and American scientists have developed a quick, new, low-cost way of monitoring the moisture content of peanuts in the shell.

Tree traits to boost macadamia production

Researchers from The University of Queensland have identified two desirable traits in macadamia trees to make orchards more productive and profitable.

Study shows large farms making record investments

In 2009, in the midst of a global economic recession total investments on Canadian farms exceeded $11.4 billion, up from $8.2 billion in 2001. The latest research from Ivey School of Business Agri-food Innovation Centre, ...

Nurturing social innovation to reduce food waste

Innovation for more sustainable food systems is not just about improving food technology and communication activities. Social innovation also has a powerful role to play, according to Sophie Easteal of the FP7-funded FUSIONS ...

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