Stopping listeria reproduction 'in its tracks'

Listeria contaminations can send food processing facilities into full crisis mode with mass product recalls, federal warnings and even hospitalization or death for people who consume the contaminated products. Destroying ...

Scientists make wine and cheese using weeds

Scientists at South Ural State University (SUSU) have discovered that the extract of a common weed plant, Bidens pilosa, is a promising source of enzymes for the food industry. According to the authors, the technique can ...

Sociology professor examines pandemic effect on restaurants

As the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown continues, restaurants everywhere are feeling the impact. Many closed or switched to curbside and takeout options. But others have been on a months-long roller coaster—opening as virus ...

Sustainable biomedical device for use in regenerative medicine

UPV/EHU researchers have developed a biomedical device consisting of byproducts from the food industry and which displays excellent properties for use in regenerative medicine. The novel device comprises soy protein and chitin, ...

MIT startup wraps food in silk for better shelf life

Benedetto Marelli, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering at MIT, was a postdoc at Tufts University's Omenetto Lab when he stumbled upon a novel use for silk. Preparing for a lab-wide cooking competition ...

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