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Twitter meshes into websites with @Anywhere

Twitter on Monday began letting its hot microblogging service be integrated into websites such as YouTube and Microsoft's Bing with a new "@Anywhere" feature.

Study: Internet use leads to more diverse networks

(AP) -- A new study confirms what your 130 Facebook friends and scores of Twitter followers may have already told you: The Internet and mobile phones are not linked to social isolation.

Twitter may eliminate 'suggested users' list

(AP) -- If you're trying to figure out who to follow on Twitter, you might soon be turning to fellow users for help, rather than the company itself.

Who are the top Tweeters? UCF grads created tracking site

When actor Ashton Kutcher and CNN were racing last month to see who could amass 1 million followers first on Twitter, many people tracked the race at, a site started as a joke by two Florida Web developers. ...

No such thing as a 'born leader,' study in fish finds

Followers are just as important to good leadership as are the leaders themselves, reveals a new study of stickleback fish published online on January 29th in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication.

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