JILA's short, flexible, reusable AFM probe

(Phys.org) —JILA researchers have engineered a short, flexible, reusable probe for the atomic force microscope (AFM) that enables state-of-the-art precision and stability in picoscale force measurements. Shorter, softer ...

New probes quantify folded and misfolded protein levels in cells

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have invented small-molecule folding probes that enable them to quantify functional, normally folded and disease-associated misfolded conformations (shapes) of a protein-of-interest ...

Paddle turns a Rubik's puzzle into a mobile device (w/ Video)

Recently, major electronics manufacturers displayed new types of screens that are thin and flexible for integration in mobile devices and e-readers. Looking one step further, a team of researchers from Hasselt University ...

Koalas' low-pitched voice explained by unique organ

The pitch of male koalas' mating calls is about 20 times lower than it should be, given the Australian marsupial's relatively small size. Now, researchers reporting in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on December 2 ...

Tiny nanocubes help scientists tell left from right

(Phys.org) —In chemical reactions, left and right can make a big difference. A "left-handed" molecule of a particular chemical composition could be an effective drug, while its mirror-image "right-handed" counterpart could ...

Protein 'filmed' while unfolding at atomic resolution

When proteins get "out of shape", the consequences can be fatal. They lose their function and in some cases form insoluble, toxic clumps that damage other cells and can cause severe diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's. ...

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