The future is foggy for Arctic shipping

As the Arctic warms and loses sea ice, trans-Arctic shipping has increased, reducing travel time and costs for international trade. However, a new study finds that the Arctic Ocean is getting foggier as ice disappears, reducing ...

Project seeks to harvest fog for irrigation

Fog has been billowing inside a small greenhouse on the University of Washington campus for the past month, but it doesn't arrive on little cat feet. It comes hissing out of high-pressure nozzles.

Is brain fog limited to humans?

Is brain fog a condition limited to humans? "Infectious disease and cognition in wild populations," a recently published paper in Trends in Ecology & Evolution, answers that question. In a review of the studies, it explores ...

Catching the fog as it rolls in for more fresh water

In the Namib desert—one of the driest places in the world—a tiny species of beetle climbs the dunes, leans its body toward the wind, and catches the only source of water it can: passing droplets of fog.

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