Flies sleep just like us

(Phys.org) —Researchers at The University of Queensland have discovered that, like humans, flies sleep in stages of different intensities.

How the brain decides what to eat

Having a balanced diet is a vital concern to all living organisms, not only humans. Animals choose between different food sources according to their nutritional needs. In a study just published in the journal Current Biology, ...

Flies Don't Think Much Of Turning (w/ Video)

The next time a fly dodges your swatter, take a moment to appreciate how maneuverable these little pests are. Fruit flies can make a complete U-turn in one-tenth of the time it takes you to blink.

Decoding mystery sequences involved in gene regulation

Every cell in an organism's body has the same copy of DNA, yet different cells do different things; for example, some function as brain cells, while others form muscle tissue. How can the same DNA make different things happen? ...

Robotics insights through flies' eyes

To understand how a fly's tiny brain processes visual information efficiently enough to guide its aerobatic feats -- and ultimately to build more capable robots -- researchers in Munich, Germany, have set up a flight simulator ...

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