Breakthrough lights way for RNA discoveries

The ability to tag proteins with a green fluorescent light to watch how they behave inside cells so revolutionized the understanding of protein biology that it earned the scientific teams who developed the technique Nobel ...

AR glasses help surgeons when operating on tumors

Malignant tumors often form metastases that spread to other parts of the body via the lymphatic system. High surgical skills are required to identify the precise location of the affected lymph nodes, enabling them to be completely ...

Diatom biosensor could shine light on future nanomaterials

( -- A glow coming from the glassy shell of microscopic marine algae called diatoms could someday help us detect chemicals and other substances in water samples. And the fact that this diatom can glow in response ...

Better fluorescent lighting through physics

General Electric (GE), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) have created new kinds of fluorescent lighting phosphors that use far less rare-earth elements than current technology.

Slow growth the key to long term cold sensing

Plants have to interpret temperature fluctuations over timescales ranging from hours to months to align their growth and development with the seasons.

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