The risks of low-speed impacts with liquids

When a solid object hits a liquid, the impact produces shock waves: a process that has long occupied engineers due to its implications for design of hydraulic systems or motors. KAUST researchers now show that impacts at ...

Making an object invisible under fluid flow

The invisibility cloak is an artifact that can make the wearer transparent, rendering it undetectable to observers outside. Perhaps, one of the most well-known examples is the invisibility cloak possessed by Harry Potter ...

Water nanoproperties as a key factor for sanitation

Living organisms, viruses, and technological devices, have water layers between their cells or parts and can die or stop working when dehydrated. But why water and not any other fluid? What makes water unique under such conditions ...

Artificial stomach reveals fluid dynamics of food digestion

In efforts to fight obesity and enhance drug absorption, scientists have extensively studied how gastric juices in the stomach break down ingested food and other substances. However, less is known about how the complex flow ...

Darker-winged birds have better flight performance

Many seabirds evolved dark wings, independent from each other. New research shows that these darker wings heat up more and that this heating up increases the efficiency of flight in birds. Furthermore, the study confirmed ...

A detailed simulation of air flow after sneezing

By the beginning of April 2021, the number of people infected during the COVID-19 pandemic had risen to more than 130 million people of whom more than 2.8 million died. The SARS-CoV-2 virus responsible for COVID-19 is transmitted ...

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