Image: Making waves in space

The International Space Station is an exciting place for experiments. This one in particular was making waves in space. Called Fluidics, the experiment studies fluid dynamics in microgravity and recently performed another ...

Using physics to improve root canal efficiency

Scientists used computational fluid dynamics to determine the effect of temperature on root canal cleaning efficiency. Higher temperatures can, to a point, improve cleansing, but this benefit falls off if the temperature ...

Superfuids may merge via corkscrew mechanism

Scientists at the Florida State University-headquartered National High Magnetic Field Laboratory have made a discovery in fluid dynamics that is truly worth uncorking a bottle of fine wine.

Simulations show effects of buoyancy on drift in Florida Current

Acquiring a better understanding for how objects drift in the ocean has importance for a wide range of uses, like tracking algae, predicting the locations of wreckage and debris and better focusing how to clean up ocean litter. ...

Qarman CubeSat: Falling into a fireball

This Wednesday 12 February, ESA's latest mission will enter the vacuum of space, not aboard a rocket but by being released from the International Space Station. The first task of the shoebox-sized Qarman CubeSat is simply ...

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