Quantifying uncertainty in computer model predictions

DOE's National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) has great interest in technologies that will lead to reducing the CO2 emissions of fossil-fuel-burning power plants. Advanced energy technologies such as Integrated Gasification ...

High-angle helix helps bacteria swim

(Phys.org) —A high-angle helix helps microorganisms like sperm and bacteria swim through mucus and other viscoelastic fluids, according to a new study by researchers from Brown University and the University of Wisconsin. ...

Fast or superfast water transport?

(Phys.org) —There were high hopes of using carbon nanotubes, particularly for ultra-fast water transport to desalinate seawater. However, a simulation now reveals that these ultra-fast transport rates might have not been ...

Research helps to show how turbulence can occur without inertia

(Phys.org) —Anyone who has flown in an airplane knows about turbulence, or when the flow of a fluid—in this case, the flow of air over the wings—becomes chaotic and unstable. For more than a century, the field of fluid ...

Wet computer server could cut internet waste

A revolutionary liquid-cooled computer server that could slash the carbon footprint of the internet is being tested at the University of Leeds.

Mimicking nature in engineering

Lizards and frogs are about to take up residence in the laboratories of Virginia Tech's College of Engineering.

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