Related topics: flu ยท swine flu

Online pictures of dead birds spur China flu openness

Photos of 10 dead sparrows on a Chinese pavement which went viral on social media and drew a swift official response show how hard covering up a bird flu outbreak would be in the Internet age.

Latin America has room to grow on Internet, experts say

Google's managing director for Spanish-speaking Latin America says the Internet has become the "focus group for the world" and the smart advertiser uses it to anticipate consumer behavior rather than just to tout products.

A new insight into horse flu

The management of influenza outbreaks in horses will directly benefit from research by the Faculty of Veterinary Science at the University of Sydney.

Bird flu researchers agree to 60-day halt (Update 2)

International scientists on Friday agreed to a temporary two-month halt to controversial research on a bird flu virus that may be easily passed among humans, citing global health concerns.

Controversial 'bird flu' edits move ahead

Top US scientists on Wednesday defended their bid to stop details of a mutant bird flu virus from being published and called for global cooperation to ward off an uncontrollable pandemic.

Watching viruses 'friend' a network

From SARS to swine flu, virus outbreaks can be unpredictable — and devastating. But now a new application through the ubiquitous social networking site Facebook, developed in a Tel Aviv University lab, is poised to serve ...

Pandemic toolkit offers flu with a view

( -- As communities brace for rising wintertime influenza cases, scientists are developing a mathematical and visual analytic toolkit to help health officials quickly analyze pandemics and craft better response ...

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