How the plesiosaurs were able to swim with just flippers

A team of researchers from the U.K. and Hungary has solved the mystery of how the dinosaur-era plesiosaurs were able to swim. In their paper published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, the group describes reconstructing ...

'Flipperbot': Sea turtles inspire beach-walking robot (w/ video)

( —For sea turtle hatchlings struggling to reach the ocean, success may depend on having flexible wrists that allow them to move without disturbing too much sand. A similar wrist also helps a robot known as "FlipperBot" ...

How plesiosaurs swam underwater

Plesiosaurs, which lived about 210 million years ago, adapted to life underwater in a unique way: their front and hind legs evolved in the course of evolution to form four uniform, wing-like flippers. In her thesis supervised ...

Study: Penguin tracking bands hurt the seabirds

Some scientists studying penguins may be inadvertently harming them with the metal bands they use to keep track of the tuxedo-clad seabirds, a new study says.

Triangles Go Underwater and Supersonic

( -- The seemingly effortless way dolphins and porpoises slice through the water and the unique capabilities of the supersonic Concorde airplane have more in common than one might think.

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