NASA tests Orion's fate during parachute failure scenario

What would happen to the astronaut crews aboard NASA's Orion deep space capsule in the event of parachute failures in the final moments before splashdown upon returning from weeks to years long forays to the Moon, Asteroids ...

Introducing RoSS, a 'flight simulator' for robotic surgery

A collaboration between the Center for Robotic Surgery at Roswell Park Cancer Institute and the University at Buffalo's School of Engineering and Applied Sciences has produced one of the world's first simulators that closely ...

Transformed X-48c flies successfully

( -- The remotely piloted X-48C aircraft successfully flew for the first time Tuesday at Edwards Air Force Base in California's Mojave Desert.

Virtual training for real combat

I zipped up the flak jacket, put on an Army helmet and snapped a pair of goggles over my eyes.

US Air Force calls drone fleet virus a 'nuisance'

A computer virus that hit the US drone fleet last month created a "nuisance" but no serious threat to flight operations for the unmanned aircraft, the US Air Force said Wednesday.

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