Cosmonauts perform 27th russian space station spacewalk

Two Russian cosmonauts ventured outside the International Space Station on Jan. 21 to complete installation of a new high-speed data transmission system, remove an old plasma pulse experiment, install a camera for the new ...

Australia's Qantas dumps Blackberry in Apple push

Flagship Australian airline Qantas said Thursday it was ditching BlackBerry for Apple's iPhone and rolling out in-flight iPad entertainment streaming, dealing a blow to the US firm's rivals.

NASA shoots for the Moon, on its way to Mars

NASA's most powerful rocket yet is set to blast off Monday on a mission to take humans back to the Moon, but fueling the spacecraft gave the US space agency trouble hours before the launch.

Astronomer helping NASA spacecraft explore beyond Pluto

The computer found it first – Kuiper Belt Object 2014 MU69  – but University of Virginia astronomer Anne Verbiscer was the "human backup" who found it next. She confirmed the finding for NASA by using the same technique ...

Juno's two Deep Space Maneuvers are 'back-to-back home runs'

(—NASA's Juno spacecraft successfully executed a second Deep Space Maneuver, called DSM-2 last Friday, Sept. 14. The 30 minute firing of its main engine refined the Jupiter-bound spacecraft's trajectory, setting ...

How insects evolved to ultrafast flight

Mosquitoes are some of the fastest-flying insects. Flapping their wings more than 800 times a second, they achieve their speed because the muscles in their wings can flap faster than their nervous system can tell them to ...

Common GPS could help better track airline flights

(AP) -- Get lost in the woods and a cell phone in your pocket can help camping buddies find you. Drive into a ditch and GPS in your car lets emergency crews pinpoint the crash site. But when a transcontinental flight is ...

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