Unraveling the secrets of Tennessee whiskey

More than a century has passed since the last scientific analyses of the famed "Lincoln County [Tennessee] process" was published, but the secrets of the famous Tennessee whiskey flavor are starting to unravel at the University ...

Research yields key to better predictions of El Nino

(Phys.org) -- A University of Maryland scientist and an undergraduate Indian student he mentored in India have uncovered a major new finding about El Nino -- the cyclical climate event that appears every 2-7 years, sometimes ...

Zapping orange peel oil into new, pleasant aroma compounds

As oranges are peeled, they spray a tangy, citrus scented oil into the air. The main compound in the fragrant mist is limonene, which can be collected from discarded peels and used in flavorings, perfumes and all-purpose ...

Exploring soy sauce's salt-enhancing peptides

Soy sauce deepens the flavor of soup stocks, gives stir-fried rice its sweet-salty glaze and makes a plate of dumplings absolutely enjoyable. But what exactly makes this complex, salty, umami sauce so tasty? Now, researchers ...

Fermented coffee's fruity aromas demystified

Specialty coffees are gaining traction in coffeehouses around the world—and now a fermented version could bring a fruity taste to your morning cup of joe. This new kind of beverage has a raspberry-like taste and aroma, ...

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