Larvicidal flavonoids inhibit key enzyme in yellow fever mosquitoes

When most people think of flavonoids, natural compounds found in plants and other organisms, their nutritional benefits probably come to mind first. But these compounds may have another health benefit: Researchers from Japan ...

Insect-deterring sorghum compounds may be eco-friendly pesticide

Compounds produced by sorghum plants to defend against insect feeding could be isolated, synthesized and used as a targeted, nontoxic insect deterrent, according to researchers who studied plant-insect interactions that included ...

Flavonoids: Little changes—large effects

( —Scientists at the University of York have discovered that very small chemical changes to dietary flavonoids cause very large effects when the plant natural products are tested for their impact on the human immune ...

Chocolate makes snails smarter

Chocolate isn't usually on the diet for snails, but when Lee Fruson and Ken Lukowiak from the University of Calgary, became curious about the effects of diet on memory, they decided to try a flavonoid from chocolate, epicatechin ...

Study reveals genetic pathways for citrus flavonoid production

Citrus fruits, celebrated for their zesty taste and dense flavonoid content, are integral to diets for their health-boosting properties. These natural compounds are linked to a spectrum of wellness benefits, yet the genetic ...

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Flavonoids (or bioflavonoids) (from the Latin word flavus meaning yellow, their colour in nature), are a class of plant secondary metabolites.

Flavonoids were originally referred to as Vitamin P, likely due to the effect they had on the permeability of vascular capillaries, but this term is rarely used now.

According to the IUPAC nomenclature, they can be classified into:

The three flavonoid classes above are all ketone-containing compounds, and as such, are flavonoids and flavonols. This class was the first to be termed "bioflavonoids." The terms flavonoid and bioflavonoid have also been more loosely used to describe non-ketone polyhydroxy polyphenol compounds which are more specifically termed flavanoids, flavan-3-ols (or catechins).

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