The tiny structures that mimic a cell's natural environment

When biologists study cells under a microscope, they look at them on flat surfaces that are nothing like the environment inside the human body. Now, researchers at NTNU have found a way to mimic some aspects of a cell's native ...

Color-sorting metalenses boost imaging sensitivity

Researchers have shown that newly designed pixel-scale metasurface lenses—flat surfaces that use nanostructures to manipulate light—can be used to make imaging sensors that are roughly three times more sensitive than ...

It's all about the interface with multi-use polymer brushes

The University of Newcastle and UNSW Sydney are using advanced neutron scattering techniques at ANSTO to carry out research on the structure of polymers in complex salt environments that will ultimately provide a way to predict ...

Why food sticks to nonstick frying pans

Despite the use of nonstick frying pans, foods will sometimes get stuck to a heated surface, even if oil is used. The results can be very messy and unappetizing.

Butterflies create jet propulsion with a clap of their wings

The whimsical, wafting flight of butterflies may not give the impression of top aerodynamic performance, but research published on Wednesday suggests their large flexible wings could be perfectly designed to give them a burst ...

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