Driven to distraction: Carmakers mull gadget risks

Talking on the phone while driving is illegal in a growing number of countries, but with the explosion of in-car technologies the potential for drivers being distracted is greater than ever.

Invention transforms plain surfaces into low-cost touch screens

Imagine turning a whiteboard, glass window or even a wooden table top into a responsive, touch sensitive surface. A low cost system developed by Nanyang Technological University (NTU), based on the principles of vibration ...

A computer screen you can fold

( -- University of Toronto researchers have discovered a better way to make flat-panel displays that could one day lead to computer screens you roll up like a newspaper and wallpaper that lights your living room.

TVs you can talk to, without sounding crazy

Talking to the TV is usually a sign of extreme agitation, mental instability or loneliness. TV manufacturers are set to make it a more rational behavior this year, with a range of sets that respond to speech.

Sony to release a professional grade OLED screen

( -- Sony is set to begin selling a professional-grade monitor that will contain the largest number of commercial organic light-emitting diodes in a single screen produced to date. The monitor, which was designed ...

New family of liquid crystals created

( -- Chemists at Vanderbilt University have created a new class of liquid crystals with unique electrical properties that could improve the performance of digital displays used on everything from digital watches ...

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