Related topics: sun · solar flares

NOAA shares first imagery from GOES-18 SUVI instrument

The Solar Ultraviolet Imager, or SUVI, onboard NOAA's GOES-18 satellite, which launched on March 1, 2022, began observing the sun on June 24, 2022. SUVI monitors the sun in the extreme ultraviolet portion of the electromagnetic ...

Solar storm to hit Earth's magnetic field on July 21

Something is happening to the sun. One of the regions of the solar atmosphere currently exhibiting sunspots caught the attention of observatories on July 11, when there was a sudden increase in ultraviolet and X-ray brightness. ...

SIRI-2 to qualify technologies for radiation detection in space

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory scientists launched the second Strontium Iodide Radiation Instrument (SIRI-2) instrument in December 2021 onboard Space Test Program (STP) Sat-6. SIRI-2, a gamma-ray spectrometer, will demonstrate ...

A new method for predicting the 11-year solar cycle strength

Scientists from Skoltech and their colleagues from the University of Graz & the Kanzelhöhe Observatory (Austria), Hvar Observatory (Croatia), and the Belgian Solar-Terrestrial Center of Excellence—SILSO, Royal Observatory ...

Laser creates a miniature magnetosphere

Magnetic reconnections in laser-produced plasmas have been studied to understand microscopic electron dynamics, which is applicable to space and astrophysical phenomena. Osaka University researchers, in collaboration with ...

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