Peregrine falcons expose lasting harms of flame retardant use

Peregrine falcon populations across North America are heavily contaminated with harmful flame retardants–including those that have been phased out for years—according to a new study published in Environmental Science ...

Flame retardants in blood drop after state ban

A class of flame retardants that has been linked to learning difficulties in children has rapidly declined in pregnant women's blood since the chemicals were banned in California a decade ago, according to a study led by ...

Study finds toxic flame retardants in children's car seats

In a new study, Indiana University scientists found toxic flame retardants in newly manufactured children's car seats, sparking concerns about children's health. Of the 18 children's car seats tested, 15 contained new or ...

Chemical cocktail affects humans and the environment

Throughout our lives we are exposed to an enormous range of man-made chemicals, from food, water, medicines, cosmetics, clothes, shoes and the air we breathe. At the request of the EU, researchers at the University of Gothenburg, ...

Plastics in electrical waste: Disposal or recycling?

Every year, the editors of the scientific journal Environmental Science & Technology, select the best papers among their peer-reviewed contributions, which numbered more than 1500 in 2011 alone. This year, a contribution ...

Non-harmful flame retardants with no additional cost

Flame retardants are often extremely harmful to health. Despite this, they are found in many types of synthetic materials which would otherwise ignite quickly. Empa researchers have now succeeded in producing non-harmful ...

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