Discovering how cyanobacteria form patterns for nitrogen fixation

Scientists at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) have analyzed the process of nitrogen fixation by cyanobacteria, creating a mathematical model that reveals the patterns they form. In these patterns, approximately one ...

How algae could save plants from themselves

Algae may hold the key to feeding the world's burgeoning population. Don't worry; no one is going to make you eat them. But because they are more efficient than most plants at taking in carbon dioxide from the air, algae ...

Nitrogen fixation key to ocean life

How do ocean gardens grow? Specifically, how do those gardens get nitrogen, which is critical to producing life, and will nitrogen sources to the ocean in the future be different as the ocean changes?

Microorganisms duke it out within algal blooms

An unseen war rages between the ocean's tiniest organisms, and it has significant implications for understanding the ocean's role in climate change, according to a new study.

One crop, two ways, multiple benefits

Nitrogen fixation is one of the best examples of cooperation in nature. Soil microbes - naturally occurring bacteria in the soil - work with plants to pull nitrogen from the air. They turn the nitrogen into a form the plant ...

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