Mexico scrambles to save world's smallest porpoise (Update)

Mexican authorities and scientists are scrambling to save the world's smallest porpoise, the vaquita marina, from extinction, capturing illegal "ghost" fishing nets while hoping to make specimens reproduce in captivity.

Biodegradable fishing nets may help protect marine animals

When synthetic non-biodegradable fishing nets are lost, abandoned, or discarded at sea, they may continue to catch fish and other animals for a long period of time—a phenomenon is known as 'ghost fishing'.

Removing lost fishing nets to protect the seabed

To remove lost fishing nets and gear used in both artisan and leisure fishing from the seabed in order to avoid negative environmental impact on marine ecosystems is the main objective of the campaign that was set up on 12 ...

Peru probes killing of endangered penguins

Peruvian authorities announced an investigation Tuesday into the killing of five penguins found slashed to death at a center for endangered species.

Mexico releases 100,000 endangered sea turtles

A Mexican conservation group released more than 100,000 sea turtles into the ocean last year, in an effort to save a species threatened by egg poachers and fishing nets.

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