Students create robotic hand for boy, 8

Steele Songle was born without a left hand but has never let that hold him back from the thing he loves most - playing sports. And now, the 8-year-old from Wilmington, Delaware, who plays lacrosse and golf, swims, skis, and ...

Ocean garbage frustrates search for Flight 370

Sometimes the object spotted in the water is a snarled fishing line. Or a buoy. Or something that might once have been the lid to an ice box. Not once—not yet at least—has it been a clue.

So many fish, one great map

From identifying what's on the end of your fishing line, to finding out which fishes occur in your local waters, FishMap has the answers.

Northern California fishermen free entangled whale

(AP) -- Crab fisherman Mark Anello noticed something odd near his boat off the Northern California coast: three buoys floating nearby were moving. Motoring closer he saw a gray whale tangled in a large fishing line.

Fishy behaviour

A fish's personality may determine how it is captured. This association between personality difference and capture-technique could have significant evolutionary and ecological consequences for affected fish populations, as ...

Dissoluble fishing line an eco-friendly success

At first glance, it's just looks like plain old fishing line - but the strong filament is actually a technological innovation made of special plastic that dissolves into carbon dioxide and water through the work of microorganisms ...

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