Environmental change triggers rapid evolution

A University of Leeds-led study, published in the journal Ecology Letters, overturns the common assumption that evolution only occurs gradually over hundreds or thousands of years.

Community power 'can rescue failing fish stocks'

Traditional community-run marine reserves and fisheries can play a big role in helping to restore and maintain fish numbers in stressed developing nations' coral reef fisheries.

Wiring the ocean

For most people, the sea is a deep, dark mystery. That is changing, though, as scientists find innovative ways to track the movements of ocean-going creatures.

Man will have smaller fish to fry, biologists warn

As fish get smaller under Man's environmental impact, they become more exposed to predators, which means a crucial food source will become more endangered than thought, scientists said on Wednesday.

Fisheries nations set to discuss bluefin tuna

(AP)—After defeating a proposal in 2010 to ban the export of an endangered fish that is a key ingredient of sushi, Japan and Asian nations argued it should be left to quota-setting international fisheries bodies to bring ...

Small fish, big opportunity

Sometimes the environmental challenges facing our oceans seem so large that it's hard to know where to start solving them. Changes in climate, degradation of habitat and rising demand to feed an ever-growing world population ...

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