Disputed fish quota cuts lead to tough EU talks

EU fishery ministers began difficult talks Tuesday on the vexed question of 2013 quotas as they sought to balance conflicting demands from environmentalists and fishermen alike.

Fish luring devices divide Asia-Pacific tuna meet

Tuna-harvesting nations of the Pacific argued at a key meeting in Manila Tuesday over how best to regulate devices that attract the giant fish, amid growing concern over depleted stocks, officials said.

Australia imposes two-year ban on supertrawlers

Australia banned supertrawlers fishing in its southern waters for two years on Monday, saying there was uncertainty about the impact of such large vessels on species such as dolphins and seals.

European fish stocks to be counted

Counting every single fish in the European seas may sound as likely as finding a mermaid, but it seems the world of technology has no boundaries.

Fisheries nations set to discuss bluefin tuna

(AP)—After defeating a proposal in 2010 to ban the export of an endangered fish that is a key ingredient of sushi, Japan and Asian nations argued it should be left to quota-setting international fisheries bodies to bring ...

Conference seeks to curb exploitation of high seas

Long spared because of their remoteness, the high seas have become an important hunting ground for fish trawlers and oil prospectors, putting at risk many marine species that call these waters home.

Science paper says it's not too late for troubled fisheries

A study published in Science magazine and co-authored by Bren School Sustainable Fisheries Group (SFG) researchers and their colleagues confirms suspicions that thousands of "data-poor" fisheries, representing some 80 percent ...

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