Finding food security underwater

A key to solving global hunger—which is predicted to intensify during the COVID-19 pandemic—may lie in the ocean. In fact, the ocean could produce up to 75 percent more seafood than it does today, and drive sustainable ...

Satellite data identifies companies fishing in high seas

A team of researchers, using satellite data and other analytical tools, has identified companies fishing in high seas—waters that lie outside of national jurisdiction where fishing has raised fears about environmental and ...

Coral gardeners bring back Jamaica's reefs, piece by piece

Everton Simpson squints at the Caribbean from his motorboat, scanning the dazzling bands of color for hints of what lies beneath. Emerald green indicates sandy bottoms. Sapphire blue lies above seagrass meadows. And deep ...

Study champions inland fisheries as rural nutrition hero

A synthesis of new data and assessment methods is showing how freshwater fish are an invisible superhero in the global challenge to feed poor rural populations in many areas of the world. But there's a problem: Invisibility ...

Oceans worth up to $222 bln annually in CO2 capture

By absorbing carbon emissions from the atmosphere, the seas avert climate damage worth up to $222 billion (163 billion euros) every year, according to an estimate released on Thursday.

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