New species of Sinamia discovered

According to a paper published in the latest issue of Vertebrata PalAsiatica 2012 (4), Dr. ZHANG Jiangyong, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, described a new species ...

Hatchery fish mask the decline of wild salmon populations

Scientists have found that only about ten percent of the fall-run Chinook salmon spawning in California's Mokelumne River are naturally produced wild salmon. A massive influx of hatchery-raised fish that return to spawn in ...

Modern fish communities live fast and die young

Fish communities in the 21st Century live fast and die young. That's the main finding of a recent study by researchers from the Wildlife Conservation Society who compared fish recently caught in coastal Kenya with the bones ...

Deep-sea worms eat found to eat fish bones

( -- A new study led by a scientist at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego is painting a more complete picture of an extraordinary sea worm that makes its living in the depths of the ocean on the ...

Dracula minnow has teeth, almost

A new species of tiny fish with jaw structures that look like huge teeth has been identified, Natural History Museum scientists report in the Proceedings of the Royal Society journal today.

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