Neutron experiments reveal what maintains good function in bones

Around 500 million years ago, early vertebrates in the seas became fish, adopting an inner skeleton and a flexible spine based on a nanocomposite of fibers and mineral, known as bone material. This "invention" of evolution ...

New species of Sinamia discovered

According to a paper published in the latest issue of Vertebrata PalAsiatica 2012 (4), Dr. ZHANG Jiangyong, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, described a new species ...

Flying fish – from Africa to the Amazon

( —Scientists have uncovered the natural fertiliser contained within Saharan dust that plays an important role in the health of the Amazon rainforest when it is blown across the Atlantic: fish bone.

Modern fish communities live fast and die young

Fish communities in the 21st Century live fast and die young. That's the main finding of a recent study by researchers from the Wildlife Conservation Society who compared fish recently caught in coastal Kenya with the bones ...

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