Potential first traces of the universe's earliest stars

The very first stars likely formed when the universe was only 100 million years old, less than one percent its current age. These first stars—known as Population III—were so titanically massive that when they ended their ...

An ocean of galaxies awaits: New COMAP radio survey

Sometime around 400 million years after the birth of our universe, the first stars began to form. The universe's so-called dark ages came to an end and a new light-filled era began. More and more galaxies began to take shape ...

NASA's new space telescope 'hunky-dory' after problems fixed

NASA's new space telescope is on the verge of completing the riskiest part of its mission—unfolding and tightening a huge sunshade—after ground controllers fixed a pair of problems, officials said Monday.

A pair of lonely planet-like objects born like stars

An international research team led by the University of Bern has discovered an exotic binary system composed of two young planet-like objects, orbiting around each other from a very large distance. Although these objects ...

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