Vega rocket launches from French Guiana

Europe's Vega rocket returned to the skies on Wednesday from French Guiana in its first mission since a failed launch last year.

China space station crew completes spacewalk

The crew of China's orbiting space station has completed the first of several planned spacewalks of their six-month mission, pushing such activities into the realm of routine for the country's astronauts.

Launch is approaching for NASA's next Mars rover, Perseverance

NASA's Perseverance Mars rover is just over a month from its July 20 targeted launch date. The rover's astrobiology mission will seek signs of past microscopic life on Mars, explore the geology of the Jezero Crater landing ...

Spot failed Soviet Venus probe Kosmos 482 in Earth orbit

A ghost from the old Soviet space program may return to Earth in the coming years. Mimicking a campy episode of the '70s series The Six Million Dollar Man, a Soviet Venus lander stranded in Earth orbit will eventually reenter ...

Where are the best places to land humans on Mars?

Want to go to Mars? Great, now all you need to do is plan a mission. Figure out where to land, what to bring, and how you're going to live there in the months (or years) between favorable return windows. All this will be ...

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