Chinese craft returns to Earth with Moon rocks

An unmanned Chinese spacecraft carrying rocks and soil from the Moon returned safely to Earth early Thursday, completing another chapter in China's effort to become a space superpower.

Ariel moves from blueprint to reality

ESA's exoplanet mission Ariel, scheduled for launch in 2029, has moved from study to implementation phase, following which an industrial contractor will be selected to build the spacecraft.

Vega rocket launches from French Guiana

Europe's Vega rocket returned to the skies on Wednesday from French Guiana in its first mission since a failed launch last year.

Cluster's 20 years of studying Earth's magnetosphere

Despite a nominal lifetime of two years, ESA's Cluster is now entering its third decade in space. This unique four-spacecraft mission has been revealing the secrets of Earth's magnetic environment since 2000 and, with 20 ...

Launch is approaching for NASA's next Mars rover, Perseverance

NASA's Perseverance Mars rover is just over a month from its July 20 targeted launch date. The rover's astrobiology mission will seek signs of past microscopic life on Mars, explore the geology of the Jezero Crater landing ...

Comparing mountains on the moon to the Earth's peaks

NASA's Artemis Program is planning to land astronauts on the moon's south pole. To prepare for this, NASA's Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI) is creating the Lunar South Pole Atlas (LSPA). As part ...

SpaceX re-useable rocket misses landing ship

SpaceX successfully launched its latest cluster of high-speed internet satellites into orbit Monday but was unable to land its rocket booster on an autonomous ship, missing a key milestone.

Image: Ahuna Mons on Ceres

This image, based on observations from NASA's Dawn spacecraft, shows the largest mountain on the dwarf planet Ceres.

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