Portugal, Spain struggle to control forest fires

Firefighters in Spain and Portugal were battling on Wednesday to control multiple forest fires across the Iberian Peninsula with blazes in the Serra da Estrela park resuming just days after being brought under control.

Time is ripe for fire detection satellite, scientists say

As firefighters emerge from another record wildfire season in the Western United States, University of California, Berkeley, scientists say it's time to give them a 21st century tool: a fire-spotting satellite.

California fires: new blazes as dangerous winds fan the flames

Firefighters in California struggled to contain a new fast-moving blaze on Wednesday that threatened thousands of homes and the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, as rare "extreme" red flag warnings were issued for much ...

As Brazil's wetlands burn, rain is 'only hope'

Lieutenant Silva's face is grim as he watches his firefighters try—and fail—to control one of the thousands of wildfires ravaging Brazil's Pantanal, the world's biggest tropical wetlands.

Villages battle wildfires in Portugal; Europe swelters

More than 3,000 firefighters battled Thursday alongside ordinary Portuguese citizens desperate to save their homes from several wildfires that raged across the European country, fanned by extreme temperatures and drought ...

Women train to fight fire with fire in Portugal

Women from around the world gathered in northwest Portugal this week to practice a traditional technique of deliberately burning land to prevent the kind of wildfires—intensified by climate change—that have killed hundreds ...

Firefighters are no macho men

The firefighting profession has a strong trademark characterised by heroes and masculinity. This image is commonly reinforced not only in media but also for example in the firemen calendars produced by the firefighters themselves. ...

China factory fire hidden by thick smog: media

A factory fire in eastern China went unnoticed for three hours because of the thick smog that blanketed large stretches of the country this week, state media said Tuesday.

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