Related topics: fire

NASA satellite shows California shrouded in smoke

NASA's Aqua satellite captured this natural color image of the fires in California and the resultant smoke that has shrouded the state and swept eastward as far as Salt Lake City and still moving. Dangerous and deadly fires ...

'Erratic' winds, dry conditions fuel deadly California fires

Around 12,000 firefighters battled Sunday to contain wildfires in California that have killed six people—but authorities warned "erratic" winds and dry conditions have caused the flames to grow and spread.

Battling flames increases firefighters' exposure to carcinogens

The threat of getting burned by roaring flames is an obvious danger of firefighting, but other health risks are more subtle. For example, firefighters have been found to develop cancer at higher rates than the general population. ...

New technology could help track firefighters for safety

In 1999, six career firefighters lost their lives responding to a five-alarm fire. They were part of a group of 73 dispatched to a smoke-filled warehouse in Worcester, Massachusetts. Lost inside the building's tight corners, ...

A.I. could be a firefighter's 'Guardian Angel'

Firefighters have only their wits and five senses to rely on inside a burning building. But research developed in part by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, may change that, introducing artificial intelligence ...

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